Faces to names; meet the Little White Books team

You’ll have met some of us at wedding fairs and maybe emailed us too about blackboards or stands at our wedding fairs but you may not have put our faces to our names so we thought we’d say hello!

Little White Books is owned and run by Maxine so she’s the boss! And a lovely one she is too. You’ll find her registering brides at wedding fairs and running around organising all the fairs behind the scenes too, plus deciding on what happens when, who does it and how it looks. Maxine also heads up the sales team and she deals with bookings for all aspects of the business and making sure that we have as wide a variety of exhibitors as possible for brides to meet. She’s also at the Great Northern Wedding Show from the minute the carpet goes down at the USN Bolton Arena and the stand build starts to the moment the last exhibitor has packed up and left after the show has finished the day after. (Well, we let her go home for a lie down and some dinner in the middle!). Maxine also runs lots of our social media accounts including our popular #weddingoclock on Twitter every Sunday night.

Image by Mick Cookson Photography

Cathy is our designer; she makes all our ideas for adverts and information look amazing. She also physically puts together the layout for the Little White Books magazine and makes sure all the adverts fit onto the pages! You’ll find Cathy at the Great Northern Wedding Show too where she’s usually registering brides on the front desk.

Image by Mick Cookson Photography

Now here’s where it gets a bit confusing….some of you will know this and some of you won’t but there are two Helens and two Emmas in the Little White Books team! 

I’m Helen F (or the money Helen as I get referred to quite a lot!). I’m the accountant at Little White Books so I make lots of spreadsheets and deal with invoices and VAT returns. I’m also let out into the real world too and you’ll find me registering brides at wedding fairs and usually on the Little White Books stand at the Great Northern Wedding Show. I write blog posts as well, update the Facebook pages and build Pinterest boards and I’m a slightly obsessive list-maker of exhibitors and advertisers for our fairs and magazine issues!

Image by Mick Cookson Photography

Helen H is the other Helen and she works in the sales team. Helen H mainly deals with the Little White Books magazine but also works on fair sales too. She works at our wedding fairs as well registering brides on the door and will also be part of the team at the Great Northern Wedding Show.

Image by Mick Cookson Photography

The two Emmas are next; Emma L and Emma M. They both work in the sales team and again work on the registration desk at wedding fairs. Emma L works on booking our Great Northern Wedding Show exhibitors and Emma M on booking exhibitors for our smaller fairs.


Emma L and Emma M

The newest member of our sales team is Beks. She’s also a social media whirlwind so you can find lots of Little White Books updates on her Twitter and instagram feeds! Beks works on finding our fair exhibitors and also deals with sales of our sponsored listings and banner adverts on the website directory.

We’re also assisted by some other people too….Andy who builds the website (and fixes it when we break something!), Glynn who moves a LOT of tables and puts up too many signs and banners to count, Danielle and Katie who are wedding fair helpers too and sometimes anyone else we can rope in to help at the show! Not to mention our husbands and sometimes parents who look after children while we work wedding fair Sundays.

Little White Books is a lovely team to be part of. We support each other and help out where we can and pass information freely among the team. So next time you’re at a fair come and say hello….we’d love to meet you and put a face to your name too!

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