@holmesmill_ part of the @dreamweddingvenues collection
Holmes Mill is an early 19th century Cotton Mill that has been painstakingly and sympathetically transformed into the most incredible and wholly unique wedding venue in the North West. Winners of the 2023 Best North West Wedding Venue (Other) at The Wedding Industry Awards, it has stayed loyal to its industrial heritage by embracing and maintaining many of the original features.
Our Bridalwear shoot takes place in The Cotton Room, a licensed ceremony and party room at Holmes Mill, complete with natural textured walls, exposed beams and pillars – a truly unique setting.

Mick Cookson Photography: @mickcooksonphoto
Sarah Glynn Photography: @sarah_glynn_photography
Teresa C Photography: @teresacphotog
Holmes Mill, Clitheroe: @holmesmill_
Amelia’s: @ameliasbridal
Brittany Ann Bridal: @brittanyannbridal
Curves at Kates Bridal Room: @katesbridalroom
Eden Bridal: @eden_bridal
Fairytale Brides: @fairytalebridesltd
Lottie’s: @lottiesbridal
Love Story Bridal: @lovestory_bridal
Roxanne Halenko: @roxannehalenkobridal
Willow & Wilde: @willowandwildebridal
Your Dream Dress: @yourdreamdressltd
Hair & Make-up
Alisons Hair: @alisons_hair_
Hair Creations by Colette: @haircreationsbycolette
Hair by Lauren: @hairbylauren
Tracey Tennant: @traceytennant_hair
A Bit Gorgeous: @abitgorgeous
Ashleigh Lauren: @ashleighlmua
Beauty by Laura Jane: @beautybylaurajanebblj
Kerry Baker MUA: @kerrybakermua
The Bridal Artist Co: @thebridalartistco
By Lydia Marie: @bylydiamarie
The Style Sisters: @__stylesisters
Nikki Webb Bridal Specialist: @nikkiwebbmua
Bliss Events by Katie: @blisseventsbykatie
Fleur Designs: @fleurdesignsuk
Love Letters 2 Hire Event Décor: @loveletters2hire
Red Floral Architecture: @redfloral
Skelmersdale Flower Centre: @skelmersdaleflowercentre
Vintage Winter Weddings: @vintagewinterweddings
Felt Bouquet – The Alternative Florist: @thealternativefloris
Bridal Hat: @boujibridecompany